Monday, March 17, 2008

Telling Your Story...through Blogging - Ministry & Business Marketing, Media and Strategy Blog

By now most of you have heard about the wonders of blogging. Since you're reading this, you've obviously seen a blog and have some idea of what it's about. You may even read many blogs per day or week.

For those of you operating Christian ministries and Christian businesses, blogs can be a great way to tell your story and to steer what's said about you online. Notice I said "steer," not "control." Control of what's said about you online and your media, long ago went the way of Bill Clinton's virtue. So how exactly do you use blogs to tell your story and steer what's said about you, to the glory of God?

Here are some simple tips...

1) What are you passionate about? What gets you up in the morning/keeps you up at night? What has God led you to do about it? Blog about these things. Your vision and values drive your work and talking about them is a great way to communicate your niche in Christ's kingdom.

2) How do you accomplish your work? Do you teach English as a second language, provide food and shelter, or preach the gospel through media? Blog about it. Your philosophy of ministry -- both in your approach to the lost and those who know Christ, and the nuts and bolts of advancing Christ's kingdom (such as broadcasts and/or building projects) are part and parcel to your unique place in the Body of Christ. Tell others about it.

3) Facts and figures. Without going into gory detail, give folks an idea of the size of your ministry, your financial needs, your impact, etc. You'll usually want to weave facts and figures into an overall narrative which includes the things mentioned above and...

4) Action steps. What do you want people to do about it? You can mention your wish list in your blog posts and communicate the same through links to other important pages. You could also show an attractive ministry graphic or link to a page of testimonies from folks whom the Lord has blessed through your work, with an accompanying donation or prayer chain link.

Not coincidentally, these blogging essentials comprise what should be included in almost all of your ministry communications. Vision & values, philosophy, facts & figures, and action steps should be a part of nearly every letter, email, and promo video you send (with exceptions made for personal thank you notes and the like).

One last thing...I mentioned the value of blogging for steering what's said about you online. Telling your story through the above steps, by the work of the Holy Spirit, will help friends and potential partners see the value of the Lord's work through you and compel them to jump on board. On the flip side, telling your story through blogging will also dampen the impact of false or misleading information disseminated online by folks who don't have your best interests, much less the Lord's will, in mind. Assuming that your ministry is actually biblical, click here for more on defensive blogging.

Christian business owners should approach blogging in much the same way. Use online storytelling to interest folks in your business, set yourselves apart, and bring in new customers -- to the glory of God.

If you already write a blog, but you realize that it's in serious trouble -- either in appearance and content, check out this post on revamping your ministry website. Happy blogging...

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