Thursday, March 12, 2009

Hulu Social Networking and Making Money Online - Ministry & Business Marketing & Media Blog

Hulu, the second-most popular online video destination, is adding a host of social networking features to its community, including member profiles and video sharing. This makes for coverage by the Wall Street Journal and friends, but as Shelly Palmer of Media Bytes asks" "are they making any money?"

Hulu and YouTube cast a big audience net, but this often fails to translate into big cash for those sites and the producers featured therein.

Content producers of all stripes should utilize mass market video websites to generate views. But producers must be uber-diligent to drive that traffic to their own custom-branded communities. In the words of a top Disney digital exec: "what is most monetizable is the social activity around our branded content..."

Even if Hulu and YouTube add loads of goodies to their communities, thus enabling folks to spread content far and wide, the end result is the same: their brands will benefit first and foremost. Better to harness these biggies to drive traffic to your own playground, where social media tools can provide you with the most oomph, i.e., brand identity and revenue.

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Emma said...

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Anonymous said...

great post.keep it up