Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Great Case Study on Event-Based Mobile Marketing - Ministry & Business Marketing, Media and Strategy Blog

The more I dive into the world of mobile marketing, the more I realize that the Europeans and Japanese are leaps and bounds ahead of the States--not just in technology but also in mobile marketing savvy.

Check out this campaign by Renault at Police concerts outside Paris and another brilliant mobile marketing push at UK soccer matches. Now imagine the possibilities for your ministry conferences.

At your major events, you could use Blue Tooth alerts to target specific groups--such as potential donors, possible volunteers, wannabe staffers, and many more. Simple text responses to these alerts would immediately give you great information capture and open the door for a great long-term relationship. No more of conference goers needing to head to the right sign-up table or remembering to send in that interest survey when they get back home. Where did I put it again?

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